Te Tiriti o Waitangi | The Treaty of Waitangi

Whatever the motivations prompting organisations to acknowledge the Treaty’s significance, it is becoming a widely accepted business norm in Aotearoa New Zealand to provide opportunities for boards, leadership teams and staff to advance their knowledge and education on this very important and relevant topic. We wholeheartedly support organisations in this endeavour and welcome the opportunity to work with people in all sectors to develop your understanding and stimulate thinking about the Treaty’s practical application.

There is an increasing awareness of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the English language version, of the Treaty of Waitangi and the meaning and effect of the agreement. Including a greater awareness and understanding of the articles, the principles of the Treaty and the relationship it guaranteed.

Despite its meaning and effect the Treaty continues to spark significant debate and contention. In addition, many New Zealanders have not been afforded the opportunity to understand its historical and contemporary context, largely only being exposed to soundbites from news reports which tend to accentuate division and personal opinion, often devoid of facts and relevant contexts.

Mather Solutions can facilitate wānanga / workshop sessions which focus on understanding Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the importance of embedding Te Tiriti principles and aspirational Māori perspectives into your organisational culture.

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    We are privileged to offer a programme developed alongside subject matter expert Moana Tuwhare. For two decades Moana dedicated her career to the advancement of Treaty issues in various legal and political arenas – we are thankful for her knowledge and input into this kaupapa.

    With Moana’s support and guidance, we offer Tiriti o Waitangi training sessions to organisations large and small looking to enhance their understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its relevance to their organisation and role in society and business development.

    Our Tiriti o Waitangi programme can be tailored to your professional context. We recognise that your organisation may be on a learning journey, and we encourage growth and reflection. We are here to support your journey.

    Historical Context

    • Pre 1840 context
    • He Whakaputanga – The Declaration of Independence
    • 1840 context and dynamics
    • Treaty signings and issues in translation
    • Oral and written guarantees
    • The meaning and effect of the Treaty from both Māori and Crown perspectives

    Contemporary Context

    • The Waitangi Tribunal
    • Te Tiriti / Treaty principles
    • Impacts of breaches of Te Tiriti / The Treaty
    • Treaty settlements overview
    • Relevance of Te Tiriti to organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand in the 2020s
    • Strengthening Treaty-based relationships and partnership approaches with Māori

    This programme can be delivered online, in-house or at a marae or other suitable venue by arrangement. The topics covered may vary based on the progression of the session and can be adjusted based on the relative levels of understanding, and the specific needs and interests of your organisation.

    For further information on how we can help your organisation, please contact us.