Many organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand seek to include te ao Māori in their workplace and are doing this through focused efforts to achieve an org-wide cultural uplift

OCS New Zealand (OCS) is a proudly progressive Aotearoa New Zealand business, employing over 3,600 Kiwis with 76 nationalities. Mather Solutions were engaged to help redefine the culture of OCS to reflect their unique identity.

From 2021 we engaged in wānanga with OCS and asked their leadership team three questions – the answers of which shaped OCS’ cultural strategic roadmap. The questions were:

  1. Why do you want to strengthen the cultural capability of OCS New Zealand?
  2. What benefits do you want your organisation to receive or acquire from strengthened cultural capability?
  3. How committed is the organisation to changing?

These wānanga were important in setting the foundation for OCS’ journey ahead and Mather Solutions are honoured to be part of it. We continue to support them in creating an organisation that empowers staff to integrate te ao Māori into all they do.

In 2023 we supported the weaving of a pāby OCS kaimahi Rawinia Wright. The pākē is a metaphor for the culture shift set out by the organisation and reflects the coming together of the OCS whānau with a unified sense of purpose and stronger value alignment.

The pākē was named Whiria Te Tangata and represents the weaving together of the OCS whānau throughout the motu, whereby all three regions contributed materials to the making of the pākē. It is also a physical representation of the OCS Māori Cultural Strategy , which reinforces OCS’ cultural commitment and unique identity as a progressive New Zealand corporate.

Mather Solutions have supported OCS to implement Whiria Te Tangata by providing learning opportunities such as Te Kākano – our introductory cultural competency and development programme that creates a safe space for participants to engage in te ao Māori.

Gareth Marriott, OCS ANZ Managing Director speaks to the uptake of staff in these opportunities. “The engagement and participation solidify the importance of this kaupapa, the sessions have been instrumental in cultivating a safe space for participants to explore their living connection with te ao Māori practices,” said Gareth.

More than 46 OCS staff have successfully completed Te Kākano which has been delivered to cohorts in various locations, including OCS offices in Palmerston North, Auckland, Christchurch and online.

In August and October 2023, we held two Te Tiriti o Waitangi Wānanga at Mataatua Marae in Auckland. These wānanga offered an immersive learning experience, allowing OCS staff to witness tikanga Māori firsthand. The marae-based environment created a safe space for participants to engage with te ao Māori practices like pōwhiri and tikanga and deepen their understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

It has been a privilege working with OCS and we are proud of the progress they have made and remain committed to supporting them on their journey.

At Mather Solutions, we seek to contribute to Māori development for the benefit of Māori and all other communities of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Organisations who strive for diversity of thought and inclusiveness will always have a wider lens through which to understand the diverse world views, aspirations, expectations and priorities that make up the rich community tapestries of Aotearoa.

Our Managing Director, Dr Jim Mather underscores the significance of supporting OCS. “We recognise this mahi as an important component of our commitment to advancing Māori development in Aotearoa New Zealand for the benefit of all communities,” said Dr Jim.

Mather Solutions are passionate about working with organisations who have the potential to provide positive outcomes for all through incorporating Māori values and concepts into their strategies and organisational cultures. We draw inspiration from the late Princess Te Puea Herangi “Mahia te mahi hei painga mō te iwi – Do what is needed for the betterment of the people.”

If you want to know more about what we do and how we can help your organisation contact us here.


Wānanga – Workshop
Te ao Māori – The Māori worldview
Kaimahi – Employee/s
Pākē – A woven cloak
Te Kākano – Our introductory cultural competency and development programme

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